Early Puppy Training

Many people start early puppy training. One reason is because the puppy might be developing bad behaviors that could become habits very quickly; another is because it is a great way to bond with each other. Allow your puppy to have some freedom until it’s about 4 to 6 months old.

Now, just because you’re not formally training your puppy when it’s very young does not mean you shouldn’t work on socialization skills and make an effort to keep it contained in public.

Keep Them Safe

It is important to buy a well-fitting collar or harness and leash when you’re going to be in public places.

This is for other people’s benefit as well as your puppy’s own safety. You don’t want them to suddenly run out into the middle of a busy street. You might also find there’s a leash law in your area that prohibits letting your dog run free.

Make sure your puppy is close to you when you go to a park or other public place. Your puppy might accidentally bother an older dog, which could result in an accident. On the flipside, your dog might get over excited and accidentally hurt a person or another dog. Part of earlky puppy training is getting them use to a collar/harness and leash.

Outside Time and Exercise

It’s important to make sure your puppy is getting enough time outside and enough exercise. The best thing you can do for a growing puppy is to make sure his bones are going to be strong as well as his lungs. Exercise is the best way to ensure this.

Try for daily exercise, even if it’s cut short on some days. Another bonus to getting outside and exercising is that your little puppy will start to get used to strangers in public places, this helps build confidence in a timid/shy puppy. This will be important for when he is older. Dogs who are exercised tend to sleep better.

Formal Training

When your puppy is over 4 months old you can begin formal dog training. In fact, it is best to start early puppy training at this age, older dogs get stuck in their ways and are a lot harder to train. That doesn’t mean you start out with the hardest training with these young ones, start with just five to ten minutes a day.

Puppies tire easily and loose ability to concentrate, he won’t be able to stand much training at first. It’s important make sure these sessions are regular. Also, try and make sure the sessions are held at the same time every day. This routine will show your puppy that you are serious about these lessons.

An extra trick you can try is to wear the same shoes or jacket so your dog develops associations between that and training sessions.

Teaching - Heel

  1. One of the important skills in early puppy training is to heel. Walk steadily alongside your dog they should be wearing a collar or harness (depending on their size) and a leash. Your puppy should be on your left side.
  2. Slap your thigh and say HEEL every so often
  3. Your dog might get distracted or not follow your lead at first. Keep walking and your pup will start to understand.
  4. When your dog starts to follow you reward the behavior by petting him and saying that he is a good dog or some other happy exclamation.
  5. If you have a stubborn dog that will not cooperate you need to be firm and say HEEL. Again, reward the behavior when it is corrected.

Teaching - Sit

  1. Teaching your puppy to sit is a vital skill. To start, have your dog walk by your left side, and then stop.
  2. Put the leash in your right hand and pull on the collar.
  3. Press down on your dog’s rear end with your left hand, practically forcing your dog to sit.
  4. As you press down, be sure to say SIT in a firm voice.
  5. Repeat this process and praise your puppy when he completes the action.
  6. Continue walking and repeat over again throughout your ten minute walk.

It helps when you begin early puppy training to find what motivates your puppy the most; is it a favorite treat?

Keep a pocket full so they can be rewarded with a treat, once they are following commands you can wean them from treats to verbal praises only.

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