Puppy Proof and "Let Em Go"

When I brought the puppies home, I found myself running around after them,(especially one puppy that was very precocious, we ended up naming him Sir Rascal) taking things away and moving things. I pet proofed my house on the run that first day.

Pet proofing your house helps ensure you will have a dog to love. So, before you bring home your new little one, try to do the following:

Secure your cords: Like moths to flames, those little rascals have been known to flock towards electrical cords, placing them in their mouths, and chewing away. Not only does this ruin your cord, but it can give your little one quite a shock, or worse. To avoid this, keep cords out of the area where he will be. If it’s impossible to keep cords out completely – place them out of his reach: hang them from something high, tape them to the wall, or purchase a wire cover.

Guard your Balcony: All puppies have some Christopher Columbus in them: they like to explore. While this is often harmless, when they start to explore high areas, such as a deck or upstairs balcony, they run the risk of falling. Since you probably won’t be able to keep an eye on him twenty four hours a day, buying a balcony guard is your best bet.

Latch Your Cabinets: If there’s one thing they know how to do, it’s get into things they shouldn’t. Cabinets, particularly ones with kitchen or bathroom trash, are prime goals for puppies. If successful in their venture, they can find things in cabinets that could harm them: household cleaners, chicken bones, mouse traps, bleach. Simply putting latches on your cabinets can assure your little guy won’t be able to open the door on this danger.

Hang Your Plants: I remember my dog, when he was little, had an affinity for getting into plants. Sometimes he would dig them up, sometimes he would pee on them, and sometimes – mistaking them for a salad bar – he would eat them. This, turns out, wasn't a good idea: some plants are edible, but others can be poisonous. Your veterinarian can provide you with a list of plants that are harmful to pets, including Aloe Vera, tomato plants, rhododendron, English Ivy, and mistletoe. Instead of leaving these, or any plants, on ground level, hang them from the ceiling.

Read about Dangerous Plants & Stuff

Puppy proofing your home will take time and a little money. But, it’s worth it all in the end.

If there really is an END!

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